Grünwalder Gesundheitsprodukte

Authorities and institutions dealing with medicinal herbs and alternative medicine and nutritional supplements

Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte: BfArM)

Up to date information on licensing and safety of medicines in Germany

Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung BfR, [formerly BgVV])

Up to date information on consumer protection for health issues. Responsible for the licensing of nutritional supplements.

German Medicines Manufacturers' Association (Bundesverband der Arzneimittel-Hersteller e.V. BAH)

Statistics on medicines, annual report of the pharmaceutical industry, publications and events, general information.

German Pharmaceutical Industry Association (Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie e.V. BPI)

A very good source of statistical information on the pharmaceutical market, data, news.

Food and Drug Administration FDA

Website of the American regulatory authorities. Essential information on licensing questions concerning medicines, nutritional supplements, functional foods and cosmetics in the USA.

World Health Information WHO

Very informative website on all health topics. Statistics on single disease distribution worldwide and situation in specific countries. Medicinal herb monographs.

HWO Food Safety Programme

Information on food and nutrition worldwide

Kooperation Phytopharmaka

Up to date information on the subject of medicine and medicinal herbs. Training courses, descriptive outline of cooperation, publications and other areas.

Society for Phytotherapy (Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie e.V.)

Up to date information on drug development, links list, publications, journal: "Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie".

Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft für Arzneipflanzenforschung)

Similar to the Society for Phytotherapy, less comprehensive.

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie

The Austrian equivalent of the Society for Phytotherapy.

The European Scientific Cooperative ESCOP

A great variety of information on the subject of phytotherapy in Europe. Numerous links. /food/index_de.html

European Commission on Food Safety (Europäische Kommission zur Lebensmittelsicherheit)

Legal regulations, official documents, scientific reports and current policy statements on the subject of food. /~dms/supplmnt.html

Center for Food & Safety Applied Nutrition

A department of the American Food and Drug Administration FDA. Official information on food safety, licensing and statements.

Codex alimentarius.

Joint webseite of the WHO and the FAO. Information on which standards and directives are valid in the food industry. Also information on fair trade and consumer protection.

Pflanzenwelt Myanmars

An overview of Myanmar’s flora and fauna.